Why I Hate Apple Products
The moment you pick up those marvels of engineering in your hand, you fall in love with them. Apple devices are intuitive, they are aesthetically beautiful and you can feel the incredible build quality and most of all they offer the best hardware specs that Apple can muster at the time.
But still, I hate Apple products in some ways... no, I will not be complaining about the new iOS6 maps. Its more of what Apple does to keep the user restricted to its own system, rather than allow them to do what they want. Let the Apple-bashing begin!
iOS makes you do things the way Apple thinks is right
Sharing with devices is a pain
Micro SD card dilemma
I have never understood why iPhone and iPad doesn't have a memory slot. It is true that having internal memory makes your device faster but the price difference between 16 GB iPhone and 64 GB iPhone is ridiculous. Maybe its a way to keep the quality of the phone intact or maybe its just another way of making more profit but shelling out another 100$ for more memory is absolutely insane when a memory card can offer the same for around 30$ There has to be a better way for two devices to share data between them than repeatedly syncing them with the computer which brings me to my next point.The Annoying iTunes
Let me end my rant by saying that I understand why Apple does these things. They do it to maintain their quality control and security. But these are the same things that make me prefer an Android device over the Apple ones. And I know for a fact that I'm not alone in thinking the same.
Why I Hate Apple Products
The moment you pick up those marvels of engineering in your hand, you fall in love with them. Apple devices are intuitive, they are aesthetically beautiful and you can feel the incredible build quality and most of all they offer the best hardware specs that Apple can muster at the time.
But still, I hate Apple products in some ways... no, I will not be complaining about the new iOS6 maps. Its more of what Apple does to keep the user restricted to its own system, rather than allow them to do what they want. Let the Apple-bashing begin!
iOS makes you do things the way Apple thinks is right
Sharing with devices is a pain
Micro SD card dilemma
I have never understood why iPhone and iPad doesn't have a memory slot. It is true that having internal memory makes your device faster but the price difference between 16 GB iPhone and 64 GB iPhone is ridiculous. Maybe its a way to keep the quality of the phone intact or maybe its just another way of making more profit but shelling out another 100$ for more memory is absolutely insane when a memory card can offer the same for around 30$ There has to be a better way for two devices to share data between them than repeatedly syncing them with the computer which brings me to my next point.The Annoying iTunes
Let me end my rant by saying that I understand why Apple does these things. They do it to maintain their quality control and security. But these are the same things that make me prefer an Android device over the Apple ones. And I know for a fact that I'm not alone in thinking the same.