The Indian smartphone company Micromax has unveiled first 3D smartphone. The device offers a 3D display experience and packed with 1.2 Dual core processor and continues the trend of creating big displays with 5 inch screen at an affordable pricing. The display is called the naked eye which has a resolution of 480*800 and supports 16.7 millions colors. The phone has the latest version of the Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2.
Micromax A115 Specifications and Features
- 5 inch Naked eye 3D display with 480*800 resolution, 16.7 colors
- 1.7 dual Mediatek MT6577 processor with 512 MB RAM
- 5.0 Megapixel rear camera and 0.3 megapixel front camera
- Camera supports autofocus, flash
- Connectivity option includes 3G , Bluetooth 4.0 , wifi , USB 2.0
- Internal memory of 0.93 GB and 4 GB ROM, expandable upto 32 GB using microSD card
- Micro USB , USB 2.0 and 3.5 audio jack
- 2000 mAh battery with a standby time of 225 hours and offers talk time of 4.5 hours
Micromax A115 Canvas 3D Price
Micromax has been experimenting a lot and 3D naked eye display seems like a latest innovation by the company. User need not use 3D glasses to enjoy the experience as it has a inbuilt technology of converting standard images into 3D format. The device comes out with a price tag of just Rs. 9999/- in India.
Recently Micromax confirmed that they sold 1 million Canvas devices which is great achievement and it certainly makes them one of the popular devices in the Indian subcontinent. These devices usually have a very low price tag allowing more and more users to shift to the Android eco-system. What do you think of the new Micromax A115? Let us know in the comments.
Recently Micromax confirmed that they sold 1 million Canvas devices which is great achievement and it certainly makes them one of the popular devices in the Indian subcontinent. These devices usually have a very low price tag allowing more and more users to shift to the Android eco-system. What do you think of the new Micromax A115? Let us know in the comments.
The Indian smartphone company Micromax has unveiled first 3D smartphone. The device offers a 3D display experience and packed with 1.2 Dual core processor and continues the trend of creating big displays with 5 inch screen at an affordable pricing. The display is called the naked eye which has a resolution of 480*800 and supports 16.7 millions colors. The phone has the latest version of the Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2.
Micromax A115 Specifications and Features
- 5 inch Naked eye 3D display with 480*800 resolution, 16.7 colors
- 1.7 dual Mediatek MT6577 processor with 512 MB RAM
- 5.0 Megapixel rear camera and 0.3 megapixel front camera
- Camera supports autofocus, flash
- Connectivity option includes 3G , Bluetooth 4.0 , wifi , USB 2.0
- Internal memory of 0.93 GB and 4 GB ROM, expandable upto 32 GB using microSD card
- Micro USB , USB 2.0 and 3.5 audio jack
- 2000 mAh battery with a standby time of 225 hours and offers talk time of 4.5 hours
Micromax A115 Canvas 3D Price
Micromax has been experimenting a lot and 3D naked eye display seems like a latest innovation by the company. User need not use 3D glasses to enjoy the experience as it has a inbuilt technology of converting standard images into 3D format. The device comes out with a price tag of just Rs. 9999/- in India.
Recently Micromax confirmed that they sold 1 million Canvas devices which is great achievement and it certainly makes them one of the popular devices in the Indian subcontinent. These devices usually have a very low price tag allowing more and more users to shift to the Android eco-system. What do you think of the new Micromax A115? Let us know in the comments.
Recently Micromax confirmed that they sold 1 million Canvas devices which is great achievement and it certainly makes them one of the popular devices in the Indian subcontinent. These devices usually have a very low price tag allowing more and more users to shift to the Android eco-system. What do you think of the new Micromax A115? Let us know in the comments.