Google recently made Android 4.4 Kitkat official which puts the full stop to the discussions about naming it as a Key lime pie. The name 'key lime pie' has been trending since the very first rumors came out. Real name of next Android was revealed few days ago it's launch and there's very interesting fact behind naming next Android OS.
Nestle and Android together created 500 special editions kitkat bars of Android shape. Those candy bars are likely to be auctioned soon.
Kitkat vs Key Lime Pie
The Google Android team managed to maintain secrecy of the real name and even other Google employees were under impression that next Google OS will be called the Key Lime Pie. Android team internally refereed the prototype as a KLP and even partners were under the same impression.So why the name was changed?
Most of us know Hiroshi Lockheimer's who is an Android engineering head. He's been part of Team Google from many years. Kitkat is Lockheimer's favorite candy-bar and that's the reason the next operating system will be named KitKat. In year 2010, the Android team decorated Lockheimer's office cabin door with KitKats candy bar.Nestle and Android together created 500 special editions kitkat bars of Android shape. Those candy bars are likely to be auctioned soon.
Google recently made Android 4.4 Kitkat official which puts the full stop to the discussions about naming it as a Key lime pie. The name 'key lime pie' has been trending since the very first rumors came out. Real name of next Android was revealed few days ago it's launch and there's very interesting fact behind naming next Android OS.
Nestle and Android together created 500 special editions kitkat bars of Android shape. Those candy bars are likely to be auctioned soon.
Kitkat vs Key Lime Pie
The Google Android team managed to maintain secrecy of the real name and even other Google employees were under impression that next Google OS will be called the Key Lime Pie. Android team internally refereed the prototype as a KLP and even partners were under the same impression.So why the name was changed?
Most of us know Hiroshi Lockheimer's who is an Android engineering head. He's been part of Team Google from many years. Kitkat is Lockheimer's favorite candy-bar and that's the reason the next operating system will be named KitKat. In year 2010, the Android team decorated Lockheimer's office cabin door with KitKats candy bar.Nestle and Android together created 500 special editions kitkat bars of Android shape. Those candy bars are likely to be auctioned soon.